Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Meh, Barking Up the Wrong Me Edition

This job thing is getting on my nerves...

Friday, February 10, 2012

funky, funky friday

Wow. Bubbaville has made the national news.

One of the incongruities that hits me, as an outsider in these parts, is the way these life-loving, God-fearing people can be SO FREAKING NASTY. Of course, as today's featured song illustrates, these sorts of vile, violent, and senseless crimes have been going on for probably as long as humans have been around. And I suddenly remember that not so long ago, in my own family up North, there occurred a family murder-suicide worthy of a murder ballad, too.

Wherever and whenever these events take place, the senselessness stuns us, draws us closer to our loved ones, and makes us grateful for each day we have together....

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Keeping Abreast of Things

Squashed Boobs
I have a left boob and a right boob, but unlike Congressional left and right boobs, mine present a united front (particularly when squashed into a sports bra). When it comes to achieving the greater good, my left and right boob team up and get results, neither one taking more or less credit for their accomplishments. Also unlike political boobs, mine know when it's appropriate to keep a low profile, and when it's expedient to stand out and make a statement. There is nothing worse than boobs that get the wrong kind of attention, at the wrong time. Politicians could learn a lot from my boobs.

This week the Florida Primary featured a prominent display of boobs. Candidate Santorum sagged badly in the polls leading up to the race, and despite claiming the moral high ground, fell flat with only 13% of the votes cast. Gingrich, considered by many to be the biggest boob in the race because of his inflated ego, only came in second place, giving primary winner Romney the media spotlight. Gingrich and his supporters were uplifted, however, when Romney's "I don't care about the very poor" remark popped out during a CNN interview. No wonder the spirits of moderate Republicans are drooping, as it seems no candidate can measure up to their expectations. But any boob should realize that there's no such thing as one-size-fits-all, and lacking a stand-out contender, the Republicans seem likely to come up empty-handed in November's election.

These boobs should sue Komen for infringement.
Media attention snapped momentarily from the presidential race to a matter close to the hearts of many Americans regardless of political affiliation - breast cancer awareness. It was revealed that the Susan D. Komen Foundation, under pressure from an anti-abortion group, unhooked its backing for Planned Parenthood, a major provider of health services to low income women. This is not the first time Komen's tactics have raised eyebrows  -- the group has also made headlines for seeking financial restitution against lesser-endowed advocacy groups who adopt Komen's "for the cure" tag in their own fundraising drives. Mixing politics and women's health issues leaves a bad taste in the mouths of those who've lost loved ones to breast cancer, so many considered it a victory when Komen later announced a reversal of its decision. Still others are glad that Komen's questionable financial and policy tactics were exposed, and hope to nip partisan quibbling over the issue in the bud. (Boobs are people, my friends!)

I'm sure there were lots of other boobs in the news this week, but for now I think I've milked this topic for all I can.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weinerdog Wednesday, Crank it Up edition

One of the delights seen during my last trip to Boston in August -- a hurdy-gurdy player with his weinerdog! It was like having my cake and eating it and having a weinerdog and hurdy-gurdy player to share it with!