Teacup, claiming that she was not about to drink from my water glass. |
I've made several false starts at resuscitating my blog over the past year and then some. What the heck, since it's approaching Spring here in the Northern hemisphere, why not try to wake the writer in me who's been lying dormant for too long?
Most recently, and happily, intellikid overcame her conviction that cats hate her, and realized that her lifestyle is more conducive to the demands of being a cat mom versus a dog mom. Enter Teacup, a former feral feline who, along with her littermates, was rescued by one of intellikid's friends. Teacup is not a snuggly, lap-happy kitty, but she is much less fearful than she first was, and even approaches me on her own when she deems it's time for me to pet her. To be sure, affection can only be given on Teacup's terms, but everyone's okay with that.
That's the newest news. The old news is that last June, my mom decided that 85 trips around the sun were enough. Leading up to that, my blogging output slowed and then stopped as I took on more and more of my mom's caregiving during her final year, or as much of it as she would allow. When Mom's Alzheimer's progressed to the point where it was unsafe for her to be alone during the day, I juggled working from home full-time with full-time caregiving. It was a difficult time in so many ways, but I am grateful to have been a part of my mom's day-to-day, and to have been able to recognize that each moment I was able to spend with her gave me the opportunity to continue making connections for her to her past, and to the memories she could still call up.
In the end, though, there is never enough time to ask all the questions you want answered, or enough opportunities to tell someone you love them.
In theory, I should have plenty more time to get back to blogging regularly. We'll see if this is a false start, like the false Spring we had last week. I miss writing, though, and I miss the blogging community, so even if the weather is unpredictable, my circumstances should allow me to strive for some sort of routine writerly output (even if it's only to resume Wienerdog Wednesdays and Monday Mehs).
So......What's new with you?