Between traveling to Boston and back, the boot-camp-like regime of BU's orientation (even us parents had our every waking hour scheduled to the hilt!), and the "what-fresh-hellish-muckup-will-strike-next" motif that underscores my workdays these days, my body seems to have decided that the hours of 3:30 - 5:30 a.m. are best spent awake. My brain does not like this.
But Boston was lovely, and only slightly rainy. Once freed from the rigors of the indoctrination program at the University (we didn't drink the Kool-Aid), intellikid and I had a day and a half to further explore the city she'll call home for the next 4 years, financial assistance package willing.
On Friday, her shiny new college ID card got her free admission to the Museum of Fine Art, where we spent several hours before heading to Chinatown for dinner. Saturday we breakfasted at a coffee shop that was NOT Starbucks, and overheard the fellow at the next table say to his companion, "Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but -- damndest thing -- I came down with the swine flu." To test the stalwartness of our own immune systems, we then went to the New England Aquarium, jammed ourselves in among the thousands of other visitors, and made inappropriate lip-smacking sounds while viewing tanks of crabs and other seafood.
To date we exhibit no symptoms of the H1N1 virus. But we're already sick of life back here in Bubbaville. Sadly, I am too tired to do anything about it.