Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wienerdog Wednesday, Licker License edition

Some Wienerdog Wednesday silliness as I captured Scooter Pie exercising her right to lick everything in sight. Uninformed visitors might mistakenly believe that our floors, furniture, and appendages are covered in some sort of savory canine treat, judging from the way Scooter Pie goes around with her nose to the ground and her tongue rendering every available surface soggy with doggy drool. It's probably intellikid's fault, since she complained that our previous dog didn't give "kisses." Be careful what you wish for . . . .


  1. Scooter Pie has been watching too many early John Waters movies :-)

    P.S. Very clever post title...

  2. How is Scooter suppose to know if it is eatable unless she tests it first?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Scooter pie is a sensory detective.... you go, Scooter!!
    Cute pic.... your cutie pie pooch is quite a character!!


And you thought...