Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weinerdog Wednesday: Octubafest Edition

This isn't the wurst weinerdog photo I've ever seen....


  1. Hey... that tuba's got a Weinerdog stuck to it!

  2. How bad can things be in America if we've still got Weinerdog Wednesday? It restores my faith.

  3. He'd have a hell of a time at band camp!

  4. Mr. C - yes, it does. I guess it's better than having a tuba stuck to your weinerdog.

    Nance, thank you. It's the least I could do. The very least.. :-)

    Jaded, danke. Now stop.

    WM - maybe he's a symphonic weiner.

    Vole, I can't tell - depends on whether that is a miniature or a standard doxie. I've emailed intellikid for the definitive answer - she used to play tuba in high school. Stay tuned...

  5. And Vole gets the prize for low brass trivia knowledge -- intellikid confirms that it is, indeed, a euphonium in the photo. But they still get to play in the Octubafest band.

  6. Jeez...Mad Dogs and Englishmen have all the luck!

  7. Intelli...I thought you told JJ to stop? what happend?

  8. I'm glad now that I was unable to come up with a wise-ass comment this morning. I'm practically euphonic.

  9. Punch - since when does he listen?

    JJ - takes one...

    Doug - Glad euphinally posted a comment!


And you thought...