Actually it's
Swedish MDF, but I like it anyway. I probably would not want to sit on it while wearing shorts, though.
I have a moderate obsession with browsing Scandinavian design blogs, of which there are an amazing abundance! I'm sure that part of the attraction is due to my own semi-Scandinavian heritage. I only wish that I had also inherited whatever gene it is that predisposes one to living a simple, clutter-free life!
My sister seems to have lucked out in that regard -- even though her home bears little resemblance to an Ikea store, she is more successful than I at deflecting the material detritus that partners, pets, and progeny bring into one's life. I, on the other hand, have the potential to become one of
those people whose loved ones resort to the intervention of professional organizers and therapeutic de-clutterers. But really, I'm not
that bad: I do maintain more than minimal standards of sanitation in my dwelling, and I don't attach sentimental value to items whose rightful place is the garbage can.
Nevertheless, along my upstairs hallway there is a slowly growing lineup of things that are destined for the yard sale that I keep threatening to have. I don't know why I don't simply put the outdated clothes, outgrown toys, and unwatched VHS tapes into Hefty bags and tote it all off to the nearest charity store. I suppose I rationalize that, as long as I'm going to the trouble of hauling the stuff downstairs and out of the house, I might as well put price tags on it and see if there's a profit to be made.
And if I have a yard sale, I can put the money in a savings account toward a trip to see some genuine Norwegian wood (and glass, and pewter, and textiles), in
Trondheim, where some of my roots are. Ok, so it will take more than one yard sale to make a downpayment for such a trip, but I've gotta start somewhere, ja?
Meanwhile, if you're looking for a 1999-vintage cordless phone (slightly smaller and lighter than a brick), a glass nativity set (made in China), or a half-dozen black hoodies (various sizes), e-mail me.