Sunday, October 31, 2010


I hope the weekend's been gorgeous wherever you are. Nights here have turned frosty, but the days have been warm & sunny. It's not going to last, though; snow's in the forecast for late next week. Grumble, bitch, swear...

Nobody, however, can accurately predict what the political climate will be after Tuesday. Even hoping for the best feels kind of like I do when I go to the dentist and aspire to merely get a tooth filled, versus full-blown root canal.

In the meantime, I've dusted off an old poem, shined it up a little, and posted it at my poetry blog, Word Art. Check it out!


  1. The political climate reminds me of a favorite Woody Allen quote: "The world is divided between the horrible and the miserable. Be thankful you're miserable."

    Now quite goofing off and pick up that rake.

  2. The weekend here was cool and/or wet; we had brief snow this morning. The outcomes of our last provincial and federal elections had me feeling a bit frosty.


And you thought...