Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Meh, Stay in Behd edition

...and that's just what I chose to do this holideh morning. But now I'm up and need to pretehnd to be productive. 

(Some painting by Mehtisse)


  1. You desehrve to take a rehst - jahded

  2. Personally I think at 7 degrees here and probably colder in the mtns you should make it a two day holiday.

  3. I mehd myself get up by 9 AM to make breakfast this morning, but that was as productive as I got.

  4. We ignore the rest of the country here in Northern Tijuana. SoCal somehow gives one license to be proud of blatant self centeredness, and to be thrilled to realize we ain't in Memphis any more. So, has it been chilly elsewhere? I was wondering if a long sleeved shirt might be too hot to wear out for a stroll tomorrow. Probably law about that..this is CA


And you thought...