Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Make A Wish

For now, all my immediate wishes are fulfilled. Intellikid is home (well, she's within 50 miles of home, since her boyfriend's car ostensibly has a headlight out). I don't have to go to work for the next 96+ hours. My culinary obligations for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast, hosted by my sis & bro-in-law, are almost fulfilled (the cranberry sauce is made, and the chocolate birthday cake for my sister is baked - I'll whip up the peanut butter frosting tomorrow).

Well, there is one wish that I could put out there: I wish that the Obama I voted for last November was the same one that's in the White House this November. But at least the Oval Office isn't occupied by the same turkey who sat there previously!

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate, and Happy Thursday to those who don't.


  1. Hear, here to all of this. Especially the Obama wish.

    Glad your daughter is on her way home, I know how much you miss her. Happy T day D.

  2. Thanks, J - Actually we picked intellikid up at the airport late, late last night. She was spending the day at the BF's and just called to tell me about the headlight situation. Since she's 18 she really didn't have to do that (I was a bit lax about such parental notifications when I was her age), so I'm not going to make a fuss.

  3. I'm glad you are all set for tomorrow. Have a wonderful holiday and a terrific thanksgiving day meal!

  4. strong support of public option and get rid of Timothy Geithner! .... there's the Obama we were promised!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  5. You too, Kyle -- I'm going to enjoy it. And if mom gets drunk again this year and says how she's gonna change her will, I'm just gonna ignore her!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Now - how nice to hear from you! A friend of mine is closing on a house not too very far from you (on Jackson St.) -- hope all is well! You can e-mail me at "intelliwench at gmail dot com" if you want to catch up sometime!
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, too!!

  8. Our family has a tradition of drinking too much and not paying attention. Pour her another drink and tell her how quiet it'll be as soon as she's dead.

    Enjoy your time.

  9. Chocolate cake? Peanut butter frosting? Golly, I should learn to bake, or learn to show up where such treats are being served :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Intell!
    Happy Birthday to your sis!

  10. Have a great break. I'm thankful for getting to know new people like you.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving. Can't help thinking of Addams' Family Values's Thanksgiving riot…


And you thought...