Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you hear what I hear?

Nothing cures the Monday Mehs like a good singing, so last evening I went to hear the Bubba County Chorale's Christmas concert. The spirit was upon us, I tell you. I was particularly moved by the group's rendition of "Dona Nobis Pacem, " or, as the locals sang it, "Dona Nobis Possum."

May the holiday season bring peace, and marsupials, and all other fine blessings to you, my friends.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

funky friday, bill evans edition

Nice rendition of a classic.

It's a rainy Black Friday/Buy Nothing Day here in Bubbaville. A good day for cleaning house to work off some of the Thanksgiving calories consumed yesterday. And I might have the opportunity to babysit a Yamaha electric baby grand, so I need to make room for it, just in case.

Friday, November 19, 2010

funky friday, lame duck edition

Dear Congress,

Get it (done) while you can.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010


"Refudiate" named word of the year.



It would be different if Ms. Palin's congolmorization was intentional, a-la Norm Crosby. And if she didn't try to elevate her errors to the level of Shakespearian wordsmithing.

English teachers have their work cut out for them for the forseeable future. (If, that is, they are able to remain employed at all.)

I can only wonder what's next -- Bill Clinton promoting GW Bush's memoirs?


Monday, November 15, 2010

monday meh, with miscellaneous musings

Girl in Red Kimono, by George Hendrick Breitner

I can't figure out why, now that we're back on Standard Time, the 6a.m. sky is really not much lighter than the 6a.m. sky was under Daylight Savings Time.

It's not a good idea to watch "The Big Lebowski" just before going to bed, unless you enjoy trippy dreams.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of buttock augmentation procedures performed in the United States has risen 37% since 2008. I wish there was a donor registry for this.

Is it an anomaly that I actually know all but 2 or 3 of my "Facebook Friends" outside of Facebook? Who really has thousands of friends???

This year intellikid won't be coming home for Thanksgiving. Meh.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

eleven eleven

Thoughts & wisdom for today shared by tnlib at Parsley's Pics.
I couldn't think of anything more to say.

Monday, November 8, 2010

monday meh, fall back edition

Young Man Asleep, by Eugène Berman.
Not content with merely one extra hour of sleep on Sunday, I feel the need to sleep for, oh, about a month.

(Painting photographed at Boston's Museeum of Fine Arts by Doug)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Same house, different worlds

Conversation with mother at dinner last evening:

Mom: "Are you an AARP member?"

Me: "No."

Mom: "Good. Don't join."

Me: "Why?"

Mom: "They've raised their insurance rates. For their employees. For everyone. Something like 9 per-cent. Because of the health care law. Which they pushed for."

Me: "Well, AARP isn't the insurance company - the insurer they contract with is raising its rates - like many other insurance companies are - because they can. The new law will restrict them from arbitrarily increasing rates in the future, so they're grabbing money while they can."

Mom; "Oh. I thought they were the insurance company. Well, my rates are going up. I think they are. I'll have to look at my papers. (pause) I'm going to drop everything. If I get sick I'll just shoot myself."

Me: (Sighing loudly) "Do you want more wine?"

The rest of the meal progressed rather uneventfully; mother reading grocery store fliers while I perused the IKEA catalog. Then my mother asked me if IKEA was Chinese or Japanese.

"Um, they're Swedish."

"Oh. Well, everyone in the catalog looked Oriental."

Glancing down at the blonde family gathered round the lovely kitchen scene in the catalog, I remained silent. I needed all my strength to keep from banging my head against the table....

Friday, November 5, 2010

funky friday, post-election edition

Ah. I feel a little better now.

Monday, November 1, 2010

monday meh - famehly edition

Painted in Germany in 1920 by Max Beckmann.
They ain't seen nothin' yeht...