Friday, May 15, 2009

Question for mature readers only

(Mature, in this instance, means that you are old enough to have a child who's graduated from high school.)
My question is this: How do I keep from crying like a fool at intellikid's commencement ceremony next weekend?


  1. Sorry noy qualified to respond. Good luck with it though.

  2. I'm maybe not qualified to respond either, but I am a kinda person who cries at every ceremony, TV shows - whatever . . .

    I would say: do it! Cry!! All the other mothers (and fathers) will do the same, I'm sure

    Good luck to you both!

  3. Elin has the best response. Just go with the flow :-)

  4. My two cents (though, I am not technically qualified) is with Elin and Doug. That would make it 6 cents, would it not?

  5. j - as you'll see when your own sprouts are ready for college, every 2-cents helps!

  6. why would you not want to cry at such a joyus ocassion?


And you thought...