Happy New Year, all! 2010 may just go down in my memory as the fastest-moving year ever -- is anyone else having trouble believing that we've made another trip around old Sol already? I commented at
PENolan's place that I hadn't gotten a 2011 calendar yet and so was living under the delusion that another year hadn't really gone by. Today, however, I have to pay bills, so I'll need to remember to write the new year on my checks....
Just because I've been in a state of chronological denial doesn't mean I haven't been a tad retrospective these past several days. It didn't take long, though, because 2010 may also be my laziest year ever. But oh, I had plans. And my toenails were always painted.
Well, luckily none of my projects had expiration dates, so in that regard the passage of time is of little consequence. I did, however, do some really important things, like reconnect with a number of old friends as well as grow some new friendships. And not just because I want help getting my other projects done --- but if any of you happen to have carpentry skills....