Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Introducing: Weinerdog Wednesday!

Because the content of my blog hasn't deterioriated enough, I've decided to add this new feature, Weinerdog Wednesday. Something to fill the silliness gap between Monday Meh and Funky Friday. Today's featured weinerdog is my own Scooter Pie. Actually she's intellikid's pooch, but since I pay for the kibble & vet bills, I claim part ownership.

Scooter Pie is an 11 year old longhaired miniature dachshund. In spite of her long tenure with us, she hasn't got us completely trained, but she nevertheless seems to have aspirations that we will bow to her every bow-wow, particularly when we are doing interesting things in the kitchen.

Happy Weinerdog Wednesday!


  1. I've had a couple of these delightful but stubborn critters. My longhairs had longer smoother coats. Are you sure she's not a "curly" hair? Guess you'd know since you've had her 11 years! Whatever - she is a good looking gal and I wouldn't mind having another one.

  2. Weinerdog Wednesday sounds like the perfect waste of time, something we all need to keep from going insane.

    Assigned reading: "The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs" by Alexander McCall Smith. Usually available in audio from your local library to keep you company in traffic.

  3. Did you know there's no weiners in wiener schnitzel? Or weiner dogs, either. At least I hope not.

  4. If you pay for the food, its yours. Same principle applies to teenagers.

  5. tnlib, there are days when I wouldn't mind giving Scooter Pie away. I'll be in touch.... (only one of her parents was a longhair, I guess that's why she's in-between. But her papers say she's a longhair.)

    Mr. C - I'll check that book out for when I have to drive intellikid to the CLT airport next weekend. Thanks for the recommendation, I mean, assignment.

    Doug - I knew that. There's baby cow in weiner shcnitzel, which is just as bad.

    Barnesm, that's a good theory. I'll try telling the bank that since I pay for the gas for my car, it's already mine & I don't need to give them any more money. Will let you know how that works out....

  6. Somebody needs to take up the slack...we still have four days to fill.

    I must admit this did get me nose out of the morning news for a bit.

  7. Jaded, you should take a cue from Scooter Pie re: the news. She makes it her business to visit the newspapers every day. And that's where she does her business.

    Now if I could just figure out a way to convert FauxNews to print for her to use....

  8. I'm in LOVE with Weiner dog Wednesday and Scooter Pie!!!! :)

  9. Oops - I just discovered that it should be "Wienerdog" (mistakenly assumed that since "wiener" isn't an English word the "i-before-e" rule didn't apply!) Future editions will be corrected.

  10. I love those long haired "wienerdogs". And, I thoroughly support Wienerdog Wednesday!

  11. Wiener,'s a bitch keeping it straight.

  12. Steph & Bethany, Scooter Pie & I thank you for your support!

    jaded, I just didn't want to litter my blog with misspellings.


And you thought...