Monday, January 31, 2011

monday meh, mehta edition

Some kind of crud has caught up with me, and I wish I could just stay in behd. Bronchitis, maybe. Alas, I have two meetings today, and a new graduate assistant starting. Maybe after a scorching cup of tea I'll feel a bit better...

I also don't have much stomach for current events.


  1. And so begins a new week of discovery.

  2. "...don't have much stomach for current events."

    My capacity for digestion of the news comes and goes. Spare yourself today.

  3. I hear this thing is absolutely dreadful and the relapse is far worse. This isn't to depress you but to encourage you to tuck it in and take care of you.

  4. Ech...I didn't actually muster the energy to get to the office. But the dachshund is helping me rest :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Old westerns always help me. Or maybe a Charlie Chan or Sherlock Holmes. No news for sure.

    A tip of the Nyquil to ya.

  7. Sorry to hear you are under the weather...and, I am in the same place with current events. Worn out with them.

    Work can wait.


And you thought...