Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Meh, Party Like It's 1929 Edition

Dorothea Lange: Daughter of Tennessee Coal Miner Living in American River Camp Near Sacramento, CA


  1. jj - Leslie does a nice job of summing up a BBC article & film about the modern "dustbowl" -- Check it out at

  2. The news had just come through that Sarah Palin was standing for re-election in the 1929 primaries.

  3. Mick, if they knew what Palin'd be up to in the 21st century, the 19th amendment might never have passed.

  4. Meh is me. Check out Friko's World for some happiness.

  5. Thanks for pointing me there, Mr. C. I'm thinking of applying for asylum in Friko's World!

  6. I can't think of any clever puns. I like Ms. Lange's photos, though.

  7. I-wench, I don't think the Tea Party would have faired that well in the New Deal political landscape. "Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men [sic]... The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization." FDR 1933.

    On a slightly separate, but related, note, in 2 weeks time I'll be less than 40 miles away from Friko's World in mid-Wales. I'll check out the immigration regulations on Tennessee refugees and let you know...

  8. Actually that looks more like '28 just before the big drop happened.
    "Do I move to gold or T bills, or just stand pat?" asked the 15% of the population who KNEW they had money in the market.


And you thought...