Friday, January 16, 2009

Frigorific Friday

It's cold. Inside and outside.

Even with "modern" heating systems installed, it's not easy to keep a 100+ year-old house warm when the temperatures get into the single digits. My sleepwear in this weather definitely includes socks, although I do try to color-coordinate them to my pajamas for fashion's sake. (No, I will not get footie pjs, even though, for some reason, they are made in adult sizes.)

On the bright side, my car has heated front seats. So I almost won't mind driving to work today.

I am also grateful that I won't have to deplane into a frigid Hudson River -- wow!
(As I was typing that last sentence, the power shut off for about half a minute. If I'd been using JournalSpace, I'd have to start all over again . . . how cool!) (No pun intended -- this time.)


  1. You are so much pun! Now I get it...frigorific, from the comment on my blog, I mean.

    My policy is, who cares what you're wearing as long as it's warm. It's amazing how fashion in cold weather adheres to the principle, "Form follows function"...even footie pjs.

  2. The plane---they were damned lucky they had the pilot they did. Any other and they might not have had an opportunity to deplane.

  3. jaded, if "form follows function," how do you explain thong underwear?

  4. Well, as in cold weather, where one will toss fashion out in order to keep warm, torrid, hot, sweaty, steamy, blistering, feverish, sweltry breathless, er, sheds clothing...and inhibitions.

  5. Do you have frog pajamas by any chance? p.s. I am loving the auto-save feature as well!

  6. Wow, that's cold, but thank goodness none of us have had to deplane in the middle of a river that is by reports either 42 or 35 degrees. I don't like to sleep in pj's because they create to much friction between my body and the sheets, limiting my movements(thrashing) while sleeping.

  7. I've been sleeping with my dog Buster on my bed. dogs body temp is higher than people and it is like having soft hot rocks with me, mmm. It is almost as good as some other alternatives,;-)

  8. jclouds, I agree that dogs - and cats - can be energy efficient ways to keep warm. They usually are terrible about wanting the middle of the bed to themselves, though.

  9. lol, I like footie pjs. They remind me of what it is to be a kid again, running straight from bed to greet the morning.


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